Friday 22 March 2013

Environmental pollution

Before pollution our environment
Now our environment
Environment pollution:-
Polluting the surroundings is the biggest nuisance to mankind on this planet today. It means adding impurity to atmosphere. The atmosphere includes earth, water, air, animals and plants. If we contaminate them, then the lifestyle of man and nature will be affected.
Save trees:-
It is real that plants are being cut down quickly. Our world is becoming hotter. If contamination carries on, the day is not far when our world will be a steaming pan and become a wasteland. Or it will be protected with sea water resulting in devastation of humanity.
Stop air pollution :-
Genuine air is always required for breathing in. If we take pure air, our wellness enhances. However contaminated air causes illnesses and affects our wellness and causes our loss of life. Smoking pollutes the air. It is the main of air contamination. The fumes which is released from sectors, vehicles and cooking areas is the combination of co, co2, methane etc. These are all toxic fumes. These cause lung-cancer, t. b etc. which take a large cost of life.

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